Thursday, October 05, 2006

Whole wheat olive oil apple pie

We've had a few weeks of vistors, this past weekend we got to see the Stalls from Chicago and the Lamberts from Detroit. Nathan has gotten so big and so cute. He is such a cuddley boy and always smiling! Isaac was still a little too small to play with Natalie and Nathan, but all in all, it was great to see old friends! Natalie was great too, she actually let me touch her and play with her. She has gotten so big and really been a sweet girl!

Determined, we picked some awesome apples at Aunt Patty and Uncle Charlie's house and stole their secret recipe for a pie. Problem was, we had to improvise when the last of the butter exploded in the microwave. Let's just say the picture looks alot better than the cardboard taste -- the overall flavor of an apple pie is highly dependent on the crust.


adam said...

Hi Solversons! I nearly cried when I saw your videos of Isaac! Lately I've been thinking a lot about you guys and strangely "missing" you. I guess Adam holds you guys so close in his heart that I feel like I have also been friends with you for a long time, and thus, have been missing you! We are difnitely making it on our priority list to come and see you guys and the ever-so-quickly-growing Isaac in Seattle in 2007! I am grateful for your blogs, as it makes us feel like a part of your lives. Hope to hear from you soon and looking forward to more blogs.... :o)

Michael & May said...

We miss you guys...Isaac is sooo cute...Peace out homies..