Saturday, December 09, 2006


At one year, Isaac is weighing in at 23.3 pounds and 29.5 inches long 50th percentile. He had a great birthday party with tons of friends shopwing up, but the poor guy had his shots the day before and was still recovering from them. As you scroll through the photos you'll see that he wasn't the happiest camper. When we brought out his cake for him, we all waited in anticipation for him to dig in. Instead, he scan the room full of people, looked as his cake, and CRIED! But overall, it was so nice to see friends and family. Aunt Patty make a killer Ceasar salad and gave Isaac his fire engine red chair. All is all, it was a great day. We had grilled cheese, dino chicken nuggets, salad, and way too much dessert! Thanks all for coming and making Isaac's day so memorable and special.

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