Sunday, April 15, 2007

This week...

This week has been long for various reasons, but for one thing that I can say is that God is good all the time. When we might not know why different things happen for various reasons, we can only trust that God knows better than us:)

Isaac has been great! He had a cold over Easter weekend, as you can see from his Sunday best outfit, he was pretty crabby. He has been talking up a storm and constantly voicing his opinion. He is like a little man. Today, we went out to Dim Sum with the Stalls and filled our bellys up with some good food. Elizabeth was on a quest for the "milk powder and cream pastry" (its better than what it sounds) after four different bakeries and finally at our final store, we found it at last!

This afternoon, Dan and Isaac spray painted his table set and went around the house to wash the windows. Isaac may not be able to do much, but he sure loved being Daddy's helper! Isaac understands a lot of what we tell him. He is even able to start pointing out objects that he notices on his own without us prompting him. Today, we were out in Chinatown, he suddenly said, "airplan" and pointed to the sky, it even took Dan a few seconds to find the plane.

1 comment:

wendy said...

Jo - he's so adorable! I can't believe he's such a little man already! And a big helper it sounds like. =)

Have a great week, hope Isaac is feeling better,