Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So much to update!

So where do I start!!!!

May 4th-a Time of change...as Isaac is approaching 5 months old, he rolled over for the first time. It was so funny, we were just playing on the ground and him doing his hated tummy time just decided to roller over. When he did, he started laughing wondering how he turned around! It was also that same day, I realize, he has a tooth coming in on the top. He has been kinda crabby and not want to nurse or take the bottle and temp of around 99F...it got me worried for a couple of days. After talking to Sally, it really helped ease my worries. I can't wait till that little tooth comes out!

May 7th-Dedication
Dan and I dedicated Isaac at our church as a comittment to raise him to the best of our abilities in a Christian home and introducing him to our awesome God! Pastor Kevin prayed with us and gave Isaac his first New Testament Bible with his name on it!

As for me, I started a contracting job with Dan's hospital as a nurse practitioner. It goes from May to August full time at their family practitice clinic. Being back to work after being off for so long has had some bitter sweet emotions. I miss Isaac during the day at work, but at the same time, I am so excited about my work and being able to help people. Praise God for finding a daycare for him for the meantime. Isaac has been adjusting well. He is such a sweet baby! Dan and I have been taking turns picking him up...He is always so happy to see us! As for motherhood, God willing, I am learning a lot and praise GOd that he is always there to help me.

Dan is doing well. He is nearing the end of his first year, I can't believe how fast time flies...more to come...

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