Just some updates on how our little Isaac is no longer little, but a child with a mind of his own...
1.Today, I got him some fruit in a bowl for him to take over to his high chair. As he was waiting patiently, I handed him the bowl. Instead of excitedly going to his high chair, he looked at me and said "spoon?" I was like, oh, I guess you use spoons now...
2. His new word is "sing" when there is a song to something, he would beg for me to sing it over and over again. When I am done, he would go "sing. please."
3. Isaac has been so great at communicating, I feel like I am actually having a conversation with him. He understands when I tell him no or if something is hot and he would remember it for the second time. I heated up some veggies for him in the microwave and told him it was hot as I placed it on his tray. He looked at it and started blowing..he was so cute...
wow he seems like a prodigy, he has the better memory, conversational skills, and intellect than the average man.
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