Well, to say having two kids is easy is an UNDERSTATEMENT! Today marks two weeks since we had Jed....overall, I feel great physically surprisingly not horribly sleep deprived. The hardest part would have to be the emotional aspect of having two kids. I am incrediably overwhelmed with emotions when is comes to two kids. I've been struggling to feel adquate as mother. I know I will never be perfect, but by God's grace I am here for my kids. I've been struggling with feeling guilty not being able to spend as much time as I would like with Isaac. Its hard for me to see him struggle to adjust as well. He has been very nice to his brother, but has his moments of tantrums where you don't know where it comes from. He has not been sleeping the past week, waking up twice a night and basically wide awake at 4:30am. Last week, I basically cried every day just feeling sad that 1.) I can't pick Isaac up because of my c-section (no lifting for 6 weeks) when he askes me to "hold you." 2.) wondering how am I going to juggle two kids and be equal in love and attention 3.) amongst all these is adjusting to the new baby schedule. I think Dan and I forget what it was like to have a baby. We figured since we got Isaac all figured out this one should be easy.
All in all, God is faithful and He will not give us anything we can't handle. We've had so many friends and family coming in to help out as well as dinners made for us. We are just blessed in friendship, its amazing. Dan and I have learned greatly through the birth of our second child that there is enough love to go around, by human standard there are limitations, but by God's is never ending and unconditional. I have to give props to Dan for being a great husband and father. I've never known anyone so willing to jumping and help meanwhile, making sure I'm doing okay. Whats interesting is that our church focus this month in on family. Pastor had spoken about how as parents we forget that our first commitment other than God is our spouse and then our kids. This was also a good reminder for Dan and I to get back in the Lord together.
I will conclude with this....you will never be ready enough for kids, but God is here so that there are enough love, patience, kindness, and grace to go around....praise Him for that!
Jed has been sleeping 3-4 hours nightly. There are even times where I would only get up twice a night, so that has been nice...It's been two weeks and he is already getting bigger. At one week, he went from 8lbs 4 ozs to 8lbs 11 ozs. We'll see how he is doing at 2 weeks coming up Wed. Maureen is also coming out Wed. to help out, which will be nice. Thanks Mo!
Ohhh Jo...I miss you...you don't know how much I wish I were nearer to you, to be able to fellowship and learn from you. You are so wise, you'd probably laugh, but Adam and I really look up to you and Dan :o). Thank you for this entry-it really touched me and reminded me about how God will carry us through everything. I get overwhelmed sometimes thinking about what is ahead of us, but you reminded me that God will never give us anything we can't handle and his timing is perfect. Glad to hear that you're feeling good and that Jed, Isaac and Dan are well too. We can't wait to see you guys in January!!! Love you guys!
What beautiful boys you have! I'm sorry you're feeling sad and emotional right now, your family is lucky to have someone who loves them so much! And lucky you that Dan is such a good husband/father too. =)
No one is perfect, but you sure do a good job! Again, they are lucky boys to have so much love in their family.
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