Saturday, September 02, 2006

Am I balding?

Recently, two people have asked if I'm balding, the second being my mother-in-law. Okay, so maybe I'm in denial, but I think it's just a pronounced cowlick, notice the flattened (but present) hair follicles arranged in a spiral pattern. (Before, I just don't remember it being so apparent.) Plus, male pattern baldness is X-linked, so that means it's inherited from your mom's side. Fortunately, my maternal grandfather has tons of hair. Still, I'm worried. At the next sign of progression, I will consider hair implants. Just kidding.

While Jo has been making fun of my so-called "bald spot," I have been witnessing the eruption of the largest canker sore I have ever seen, located conveniently on her right lower lip. Although quite disgusting, in order to accurately historically document this monster ulcer, I found it necessary to include blogged photo-documentation.

1 comment:

Sally said...

You are NOT balding. It looks the same to me as it did in college.