Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are my boys growing up?

So, 24 hours after we find out we are having another baby boy...and we shared with our two boys, Isaac was some-what excited, but said, "but we already have a Jed." and Jed didn't even listen. Today, it seemed like they suddenly grew up overnight.

This morning Dan was gone early taking his boards..and I had the fun with taking both boys to swim class. Isaac's was at 9 and Jed was at 11 therefore, I was at the Y all day long!

At breakfast, Jed, the I-want-to-do-everything-myself, fed himself his cereal with milk and then proceeded with apple sauce while I cleaned up the kitchen a bit. This is one of the few times that Jed is using a spoon and really feeding himself. I was so excited I walked over to find him with applesauce all over his head telling me he is all done. I literally had to rinse him off in the bathtub and then took him to the Y with bits of applesauce in his hair, but through it all, he was very proud of himself...

Isaac is my big boy now..After his swim class usually we go home and Dan would take Jed, but since I'm on my own today, I gave him the option of watching Jed swim or go to the nursery. He decided he wanted to watch Jed swim and understood that he'll have to sit by the pool and watch Jed and I in the pool. And for those 30 min, Isaac really behaved, he didn't cry, didn't whine, he just sat there waved at us and waited. While I was showering and get Jed cleaned up, he got me the soap and towel and was the biggest helper. He even knew to go to the drying machine to dry our swim suites. I couldn't believe it. He is going to be a great help with # 3!

1 comment:

May Yang-Lee Photography said...

They are growing up without me! DARN!