Tuesday, April 18, 2006

More Easter pictures

Yo Cousin Eric and Dave-good to see you guys..feel free to visit anytime..
Johnsons--thanks for stopping by and all those awesome clothes and blanket..it was really nice seeing you.
the Rockford Johnsons--thanks for hanging out...love your tans...Lulu--so good to see you..you got so big!

Well, Isaac is sleeping right now..in our bed..weird, I put him down in his crib and he woke up within 15 min..so I put him in our bed with all the blankets and pillows out of the way and he is fast asleep...I wonder if he knows that his crib is on a hard mattress..this morning I put him in bed with me, while I snoozed a little bit more..and he slept for 2 more hours?! Does anyone get that with their child? they sleep better in your bed?

1 comment:

Sally said...

Totally- especially when he was teething. I put a big fleece blanket, folded a couple times to make it thick and comfy, underneath his crib sheet, and it doesn't move even with Nathan's crazy wiggle-sleeping lately, and he has slept better since I did that. I'm not sure if it's that or the teething being over for now, but it's an idea! My mom suggested that he knows our bed is more comfy, too, so I decided to try and make his more comfy.